Suicidal thoughts can occur to anyone at any point in their life. You may never have expected that you would be affected and you may be at a loss. Keeping yourself safe and letting someone know how you’re coping are important first steps in getting through a suicide crisis.
Our Services
A 24-hour crisis text-line that provides emotional support for those in distress via our WhatsApp platform at 9151 1767, and is manned by trained volunteers.
This service is operational 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from Monday to Sunday.
Message UsAn alternative avenue of emotional support for those who prefer to write in via email, at
This service is manned by professional counsellors.
Write To UsAll Services
I'm Thinking About Suicide
Keeping yourself safe
- Postpone any urge to end your life. You may find your mood changing if you wait for these feelings to lessen.
- Remove any objects in your surroundings that could be used to harm yourself on impulse. Alternatively, move away from these items.
- Stay around other people and let them know how you are coping.
- Keep the contact numbers of hotlines and people you are close with on speed dial. Call them just to hear a voice.
- Avoid drugs and alcohol. They intensify low moods and impair decision-making.
- If you feel you may be at immediate risk of harming yourself, call 995 or approach the medical facilities nearest to you such as General Practitioner (GP), Polyclinic or Accident & Emergency Department (A&E).
Letting someone know
- Approach an adult you trust and with whom you are close to. It may be a family member, friend, community leader, teacher, etc.
- Tell them what you are thinking of, or at least how you are feeling. Let them know you are struggling and at a loss.
- Be prepared for their reaction. They will want to help but may be startled or react emotionally. Let them know you want to work things out and you want their help or support.
- Ask them to help you find additional support in person, online or on the phone.
How can we help?
If you are feeling suicidal, please reach out to us through the following support options:
- Call our 24-hour Hotline at 1767
- Message us via our 24-hour CareText via WhatsApp at 9151 1767
- Write to us via CareMail at
Things can change for the better
Most importantly, seek support from mental health or counselling professionals if you feel suicidal or anticipate recurring suicidal thoughts.
They can work together with you in creating a long-term safety plan or finding ways to cope with difficult experiences, situations, or emotions.

Crisis Support
SOS initiates follow up for high suicide risk individuals identified through our Hotline, CareText, CareMail and official referrals.

Light in the Dark (LITD)
A structured psycho-educational support group intended for individuals who struggle with suicidal thoughts and/or have a history of suicide attempts.

Specialist Counselling
Counselling is available for individuals going through a suicide crisis or who have just experienced a suicide loss.
This service is by appointment only.
I've Lost Someone to Suicide
Losing a loved one to suicide can be a traumatic and devastating experience. You may feel like your world has fallen apart and you are left feeling empty, lost and confused.
How can we help?
Many survivors find it helpful to talk about their grief. But sometimes, it can be hard to turn to family and friends.
It’s also important to remember that:
- No one is ever prepared for the suicide of a loved one.
- You are not alone in this.
- Support is vital in the healing and recovery process.
- At SOS, we provide information, emotional support, suicide bereavement counselling and helping resources to those bereaved by a suicide death.
If you or someone you know has been affected by the suicide death of a loved one, please reach out to us through the following support options:
- Call our 24-hour Hotline at 1767
- Message us via our 24-hour CareText via WhatsApp at 9151 1767
- Write to us via CareMail at
SOS services for suicide survivors
- Specialist Counselling
Suicide bereavement counselling is available for individuals who have just experienced a suicide loss. - Local Outreach to Suicide Survivors (LOSS)
SOS provides programmes that consist of emotional support, counselling and support groups to those who have lost a loved one or someone they knew to suicide. - Healing Bridge
A suicide bereavement support group for those who have lost a loved one or someone they knew to suicide. - Healing Within
A 6-session support group for suicide survivors. All registrants will need to go through an intake session to be assessed for suitability by our caseworkers.

Local Outreach to Suicide Survivors (LOSS)
SOS provides immediate and long-term emotional support to those who have lost a loved one or someone they knew to suicide.

Support Group
A suicide bereavement support group for those who have lost a loved one or someone they knew to suicide.
I Know of Someone Thinking of Suicide
If a friend tells you about their thoughts of suicide, you may be startled or react emotionally. Whatever your response, it’s important to try to remain non-judgmental and patient while showing genuine concern.
It may be a challenging and unfamiliar conversation to have but it might also be life-changing.
Listen to understand
We’ve all been in the situation where advice is the last thing we need to hear.
Instead, recognise their struggle or what they’ve just said and invite them to keep talking. A person would not bring up suicide unless they are going through an extremely distressing period in their life.
While listening, check on how they’ve coped and explore what resources they have tried so far.
Encourage them to seek help
Let them know that it’s absolutely alright to seek out other additional help they may require.
They may already be thinking of reaching out to a mental health or counselling professional but may not know where to start. Offer to accompany them to make an appointment if necessary. Having someone there with them can help them feel less alone and uncertain.
SOS services for individuals who are having suicide thoughts or who are suicidal
Specialist Counselling
Counselling which focus on the management of suicidality is available for individuals who have suicide thoughts/suicidal. This service is by appointment ONLY.
Support Group
A 6-session closed support group which is structured and facilitated by counselling professionals. All registrants will need to go through an intake session to be assessed for suitability by our caseworkers.
How to get help for yourself or someone
Please reach out to us through the following support options:
- Call our 24-hour Hotline at 1767
- Message us via our 24-hour CareText via WhatsApp at 9151 1767
- Write to us via CareMail at
Together, we can be there for those in crisis or thinking about suicide.

Specialist Counselling
Counselling is available for individuals going through a suicide crisis or who have just experienced a suicide loss.
This service is by appointment only.

Case Consultation
When the community is affected by a suicide, SOS is a resource for other agencies and organisations which need to consult on cases concerning suicide crises or suicide death.
For more information, please contact